
Contact Us

  • Guangzhou Light Industry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

  • Tel:86 20-3436 7336

  • Sale:86 20-3436 7336 turn 801 or 13925122993

  • Fax:86 20-3436 7283

  • 400 free service hotline:400 1683 993

  • Factory address: Foshan in the South industrial zone two Road No. 3

  • Headquarters address: Haizhuqu District Industrial Avenue, South Garden, fifty-five, No. three, Guangzhou

Acting products

Your location:  > PRODUCTS > Spare parts and agents products > Acting products
  • Washing car

    Washing car

  • Proton add pump

    Proton add pump

  • GEA plate heat exchanger

    GEA plate heat exchanger

海安县| 伽师县| 罗甸县| 徐州市| 张家口市| 确山县| 元朗区| 旺苍县| 文登市| 鄂温| 方城县| 增城市| 吕梁市| 密云县| 广元市| 莲花县| 南宁市| 南丹县| 紫云| 南川市| 攀枝花市| 定陶县| 基隆市| 静海县| 疏附县| 邓州市| 西丰县| 故城县| 万州区| 兴文县| 邹平县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 新源县| 云浮市| 巴马| 道孚县| 神木县| 巩留县| 石林| 龙里县| 云林县|