
Contact Us

  • Guangzhou Light Industry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

  • Tel:86 20-3436 7336

  • Sale:86 20-3436 7336 turn 801 or 13925122993

  • Fax:86 20-3436 7283

  • 400 free service hotline:400 1683 993

  • Factory address: Foshan in the South industrial zone two Road No. 3

  • Headquarters address: Haizhuqu District Industrial Avenue, South Garden, fifty-five, No. three, Guangzhou

Acting products

Your location:  > PRODUCTS > Spare parts and agents products > Acting products
  • Washing car

    Washing car

  • Proton add pump

    Proton add pump

  • GEA plate heat exchanger

    GEA plate heat exchanger

宁德市| 雅江县| 额尔古纳市| 淮南市| 化州市| 青田县| 台安县| 寿光市| 光山县| 资溪县| 肇庆市| 镇坪县| 山阳县| 马龙县| 上饶县| 安福县| 晋城| 南召县| 新河县| 湘潭县| 祁东县| 玉屏| 浮梁县| 中牟县| 龙川县| 贡觉县| 阳春市| 平定县| 汉寿县| 揭阳市| 郁南县| 双峰县| 隆回县| 格尔木市| 镶黄旗| 光泽县| 沁源县| 洪湖市| 三门峡市| 安仁县| 仙桃市|