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  • National standards will be free of charge all public in 2020

    National standards will be free of charge all public in 2020

    Recently, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the National Standards Committee to the State Council Standardization and Coordination of the Office of the Joint Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "implementation of the program"), asked the relevant departments of the State Council to the public free of charge national standards Related Information.


  • Analysis of Safety Status and Control Strategy of Food Packaging

    Analysis of Safety Status and Control Strategy of Food Packaging

    In recent years, the community often "bubble bowl bowl of fluorescent substances exceeded" "one-time foam lunch box" "Coke tank explosion" and other events, so that people are not only concerned about the safety of food itself, including food packaging, Food contact, its quality and safety directly affect the safety of food


  • Analysis of Causes of Food Poisoning by Nitrite

    Analysis of Causes of Food Poisoning by Nitrite

    Recently, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, a result of misuse of nitrite caused by the rural self-organized banquet food poisoning incident. What is nitrite? Nitrite is a kind of nitrogen-containing inorganic compounds prevalent in nature. Its appearance is similar to that of salt, and it is white to pale yellow


  • An Interpretation of Food Safety Incident in 2016

    An Interpretation of Food Safety Incident in 2016

    Just past 2016 is the "thirteen five" start of the year. This year, China's food safety field has undergone a series of major events, including the "thirteen five" plan release (proposed "the implementation of food safety strategy"), the first three quarters of food safety supervision and sampling situation released


  • Notice of the General Administration of the People 's Republic of China on Opinions on the Measures for the Investigation and Verification of Food Safety Fraud

    Notice of the General Administration of the People 's Republic of China on Opinions on the Measures for the Investigation and Verification of Food Safety Fraud

    In order to strengthen the investigation and handling of food safety fraud, the General Administration of Food and Drug Administration drafted the Measures for the Investigation and Verification of Food Safety Fraud. In accordance with the principles of scientific legislation and democratic legislation, in order to gather the wisdom and strength of all sectors involved in food safety management


  • China will implement the "five actions" to promote the construction of modern dairy industry

    China will implement the "five actions" to promote the construction of modern dairy industry

    Dairy industry is an important industry of healthy China and a strong nation. It is an iconic industry of agricultural modernization. Wang Junxun, deputy director of the Ministry of Agriculture, said on the 8th, China will implement the "five actions" to promote the construction of modern dairy industry.


  • China's national standards for food safety at the end of the formation will basically cover all food categories

    China's national standards for food safety at the end of the formation will basically cover all food categories

    December 23 to the Twelfth Session of the Standing Committee of the Twenty-fifth meeting of the State Council on the study of food safety law enforcement inspection report and review the views of the feedback report pointed out that by the end of this year, China will form nearly 1,100 Of the national standards for food safety system, covering 20,000 indicators, covering all food categories and major hazards.


  • China's veterinary pesticide residue standards basically cover the bulk of agricultural products

    China's veterinary pesticide residue standards basically cover the bulk of agricultural products

    December 23 to the Twelfth National People's Congress Standing Committee at its twenty-fifth meeting to consider the State Council on the study of food safety law enforcement inspection report and review the views of the feedback report, the relevant departments are speeding up the system of pesticide residue standards Revised, the current agricultural veterinary drug residue standards have been basically covered in China's bulk agricultural products and conventional agricultural veterinary varieties.


  • Bi Jingquan reports to the NPC Standing Committee on food safety

    Bi Jingquan reports to the NPC Standing Committee on food safety

    December 23 submitted to the Twelfth National People's Congress Standing Committee at its twenty-fifth meeting to consider the State Council on the study of food safety law enforcement inspection report and review the views of the feedback report pointed out that China has 16 provinces introduced food production and processing small Workshops and food vendors and other local laws and regulations and government regulations, food safety laws and regulations to actively promote the revision.


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