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Your location:  > PRODUCTS > Foam cleaning system > Automatic cleaning system

Principle of the scope of application

The method of foaming is to add the foam mother liquor in proportion to the high pressure water. The solution is thoroughly mixed in the mixer and then allowed to foam. The foam is then sprayed through the outlet hose and spray gun. Of the surface, the cleaning fluid and dirt to maintain adequate contact time, and then rinse with high pressure water can be easily peeled in the state of the dirt is easy to remove. Automatic cleaning and filling equipment for aseptic filling equipment in the beer and beverage industry Manual cleaning of the surrounding environment can also be used for automatic cleaning of major equipment such as food and pharmaceutical industries and manual cleaning of production environment.


System components and features:

The system consists of the main station, from the station, pneumatic butterfly valve, fixed nozzle and related pipelines and other components. The main station can be achieved on the filling machine, capping machine and bottle washing machine exports to the sterilization machine entrance 20 meters of the conveyor chain for automatic cleaning, from the station can be manually manual to the various areas of cleaning.

Cleaning key points

Conveyor belt cleaning

1) Cleaning main pipe 2) Partition valve 3) Cleaning branch pipe 4) Cleaning nozzle 5) Nozzle distance

Typical products

● EFC3000A Automatic Foam Cleaning System

● CF-2A automatic foam cleaning system

● ES-10 automatic foam cleaning system

新丰县| 大洼县| 萝北县| 二连浩特市| 县级市| 庄河市| 郯城县| 昌黎县| 商都县| 揭阳市| 霍城县| 化隆| 南华县| 贡山| 碌曲县| 霸州市| 沁水县| 琼结县| 丰顺县| 体育| 舞钢市| 海阳市| 光泽县| 钟山县| 五家渠市| 祁连县| 安宁市| 景谷| 永州市| 稻城县| 贞丰县| 静海县| 兴义市| 雷波县| 德昌县| 同德县| 北碚区| 五台县| 瓮安县| 东城区| 洪湖市|