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China's national standards for food safety at the end of the formation will basically cover all food categories


December 23 submitted to the Twelfth National People's Congress Standing Committee at its twenty-fifth meeting to consider the State Council on the study of food safety law enforcement inspection report and review the views of the feedback report pointed out that by the end of this year, China will form nearly 1,100 Food safety national standard system, covering 20,000 indicators, covering all food categories and major hazards.

The State Food and Drug Administration Director, the State Council Food Safety Office Director Bi Jingquan commissioned by the State Council to report to the NPC Standing Committee, said the National Health Commission has led the completion of nearly 5,000 food standards clean-up integration, and with the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Agriculture and other departments issued 926 food safety national standards, plans to release more than 130 standards by the end of the year, when the formation of nearly 1100 food safety national standard system.

Bi Jingquan said that the Food and Drug Administration has led the organization to revise the implementation of the Food Safety Law. At present, the State Council is considering that the regulations mainly enhance the management of food safety, strengthen and implement the responsibility of the enterprise, the responsibility of the department and the management of the government And other aspects of the implementation of food safety law.

The report pointed out that the State Council Food Safety Office is working with the member units to prepare the national food safety long-term strategic planning, starting from the source, basic, institutional issues, promote the "table pollution control", the construction of food relief project. And strive to through 5 - 15 years of efforts to basically form a comprehensive well - off society to adapt to the food safety management system and governance capacity, and further enhance the level of food safety and security.

The report pointed out that the rectification of food production and management outstanding problems. Food and Drug Administration to establish a national, provincial, municipal and county levels of 3264 regulatory agencies and 782 testing institutions of the supervision and sampling system, the establishment of covering 2916 counties (districts) edible agricultural products direct data reporting system. As of the end of October this year, completed a total of 915,000 batches of sampling inspection and published sampling results, the sample pass rate of 97.5%.

According to the report, food and drug supervision departments in the first three quarters of a total of 15.37 million food production and management enterprises, found illegal production and management of the main 436,000 times, found that the illegal issue of 501,000 to complete the rectification of the main production and operation of 51 million times, Investigate the case of 106,000, the value of about 250 million yuan, a fine of about 960 million yuan.

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