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China's veterinary pesticide residue standards basically cover the bulk of agricultural products


December 23 submitted to the Twelfth National People's Congress Standing Committee at its twenty-fifth meeting to consider the State Council on the study of food safety law enforcement inspection report and review the views of the feedback report, the relevant departments are accelerating the revision of agricultural veterinary standards , The current agricultural veterinary drug residue standards have basically covered China's bulk agricultural products and conventional agricultural veterinary varieties.

The Director of the State Food and Drug Administration and the Director of the Food Safety Office of the State Council, Bijing Quan, were entrusted by the State Council to report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The Ministry of Agriculture and the State Health and Family Health Committee set up two standard review committees for pesticide residues and veterinary drug residues. 5724 agricultural veterinary drug residues and 932 test methods of national standards.

Bi Jingquan said that the annual plan to develop a new pesticide residue limit of 1000, veterinary drug residue limit of 100, 5 years, the total number of pesticide residue limit of 10,000 or more, will be basically consistent with the International Codex Alimentarius.

According to the Food Safety Law, the state implements a strict management system for the use of pesticides, accelerates the elimination of highly toxic, highly toxic and high residual pesticides, promotes the development and application of alternative products, and encourages the use of highly efficient low toxicity and low residual pesticides.

According to the report, the State Council Food Safety Administration in conjunction with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other departments to study the draft "three hundred five" national food safety plan. It is planned that the coverage rate of green control and prevention and cure of crop diseases and insect pests will reach over 30% by 2020, and the utilization rate of pesticide will reach over 40%. The overall quality and safety monitoring of major agricultural products will reach over 97%.

In the field of planting and breeding of the source of governance, the report pointed out that the Ministry of Agriculture in accordance with the principle of a maturity of a phase, in batches of highly toxic pesticides to take restrictions on measures. Prohibit 39 kinds of highly toxic pesticides, highly toxic pesticide use accounted for the proportion of total pesticide use fell to 2% below, out of small, chaos, poor feed nearly 4,000 enterprises.

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