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The first batch of food safety demonstration city released in June, will be named by the State Council Food Safety Office


The first batch of national food safety demonstration city will be officially released in June this year. Reporters on the 14th from the State Food and Drug Administration learned that by then, the State Council Food Safety Office will be held through the national level of public comment on the first batch of national food safety demonstration city named after the award.

To explore the innovative food safety management methods to promote the implementation of the "party and government with the responsibility" "four most strict" to point to enhance the level of food safety and governance, enhance people's satisfaction with food safety, according to the guidance of the leadership of the State Council, the State Council Food The Safety Office has launched a food safety demonstration city since July 2014.

It is understood that from the first batch of four provinces in July 2014 15 pilot cities since the creation of the second batch of September 2015 to 11 provinces (cities) 15 pilot cities, and then to 2016 in May the third Approved the 24 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) 37 pilot cities, the current national food safety demonstration city pilot accumulated a total of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) 67 cities, covering all the provincial capital cities, plans to separate cities and some basis Good prefecture-level city, covering a population of 430 million, the land area of 1.15 million square kilometers, the GDP accounted for about half of the country. In March 2016, the creation of work also wrote "the People's Republic of China national economic and social development of the thirteenth five-year plan", as the national "13" during the food safety work a major task.

"Through the creation of action, the level of urban food safety management has been significantly improved.Government more attention to the food safety investment more, better governance system, food safety work from the people closer, and the satisfaction of the masses improved . "State Food and Drug Administration Inspector General Li Fulong said that the first and second batch of pilot cities to create before and after the comparison shows that after the creation of food safety on-site inspection increased by 28.41%, food test sample size increased by 20.98%, food safety sampling qualified The rate increased by 2.49 percentage points, check the food safety cases increased by 16.29%. The masses of the creation of the support rate of 95%, food safety satisfaction increased by about 10 percentage points.

Li Fulong said that at present, the first batch of national food safety demonstration cities (4 provinces and 15 cities) is the provincial level preliminary evaluation, the State Council Food Safety Office has commissioned China International Engineering Consulting Company led the establishment of experts, media, industry associations, lawyers, Representatives and other parties to participate in the comprehensive evaluation committee to carry out the review, and the results of the review in the national media publicity, to accept the broad masses of people supervision. In June this year, the State Council Food Safety Office will be named through the first batch of national food safety demonstration cities that are publicized at the national level.

According to the leading comrades of the State Council, in June this year, during the National Food Safety Publicity Week, the State Council Food Safety Office will hold a "Shuang'an Double Project" exhibition in Beijing, according to the relevant person in charge of the Planning and Finance Department of the State Food and Drug Administration. The results are displayed in the form of exhibitions, so that the people of the creation of the work of "review", and further exchange of experience, supervise the work, put it easy to create a story.

The person in charge also pointed out that, according to the State Council 163th executive meeting to consider the adoption of the "13th Five-Year" national food safety plan "," 13th Five-Year "period, will consolidate and deepen the creation of work in about 100 cities to carry out national food safety Demonstration cities to create action, while encouraging all levels, step by step to carry out food safety demonstration city to create action to comprehensively enhance the level of food safety management.

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