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Practice "the same line with the same quality", the benefit of the profits and interests of enterprises


September 2014, Premier Li Keqiang in listening to the work of quality inspection report, the quality inspection departments to promote enterprises to export products and domestic products in the same production line by the same standard production, so that the export products to achieve the same quality standards. In order to meet the needs of domestic consumer upgrades to help export food enterprises to provide quality products to the domestic consumer market, to guide the upgrading of domestic products related to upgrading, 2015 ~ 2016 General Administration of Quality Supervision, the State Commission and the pilot to start export of food enterprises "The same line with the same homogeneous" (hereinafter referred to as "three with") project.

What is "homologous to the same line"?

"Homogeneous with the same line" refers to the export enterprises in the same production line, in accordance with the same standards of production and export products, so that the supply of domestic markets and supply the international market products to achieve the same quality standards.

Export enterprises "three with" to achieve what kind of conditions?

"The same line with the same homogeneous" generally meet the three conditions: First, enterprises have access to export registration and the actual export performance; Second, the enterprise self-declaration of domestic products market "with the same homogeneous"; three Is the processing enterprises need to obtain HACCP certification (hazard analysis and key control points), farming enterprises base access to GAP certification (good agricultural practices).

"Three with" project implementation effect

In May 2016, the State Certification and Accreditation Administration of export enterprises within the export of "the same line with the same quality" information public service platform on the line, the export of food enterprises around the country to respond to the call. Up to now, a total of more than 1150 export food enterprises to achieve the export supply "the same line with the same quality", through the "export record + corporate self-declaration + HACCP / GAP certification" approach, joined the "three with" project, Export quality products back to the domestic consumer market, so that people buy to meet the export standards of quality "three with" products, to achieve new domestic orders 5.56 billion yuan.

Alliance to carry out the "three with" work progress

To fully integrate the relevant domestic certification technology research and promotion, and guide export enterprises to upgrade, expand the three products with the market, enhance the management level and product quality, in the State Commission and the relevant parties with the strong support of China's entry and exit Inspection and Quarantine Association jointly export food production / processing enterprises, certification bodies, scientific research institutions, social service agencies, such as the establishment of export products within the export "same line with the same quality" to promote the Union (hereinafter referred to as "three alliance"), and actively cooperate The JISC carried out a series of substantive work:

First, through the Union website (http://santong.ciq.org.cn/) and the "three with the Union" WeChat public publicity campaign to encourage qualified enterprises to change their thinking to speed up the domestic sales of food quality and international standards, Help to improve the "three with" enterprises and products of social awareness.

Second, the United International Aquaculture Alliance and the United States aquatic products HACCP Union and the State Commission to carry out the "International Aquaculture Quality and Safety and Certification Partner Project" for the export of food enterprises to build mutual exchange, mutual learning and common development platform, Domestic aquaculture enterprises quality management level, protection of enterprises and products within the stable development of export.

Third, in Shanghai and Beijing, respectively, the organization of export food export "with the same line homogeneous" enterprise market matchmaking, for more than 300 "three with" enterprises and more than 50 business super and "three with" e-commerce trading platform Depth communication and exchange opportunities, and effectively help export enterprises to successfully develop the domestic market.

Fourth, actively implement the new "Food Safety Law" of the relevant requirements to guide the export of food enterprises to establish food safety management system to help enterprises through the internationally accepted "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point" (HACCP) certification or good agricultural practices (GAP) Certification. With the relevant international and related fields, the relevant agencies, around the latest technical regulations at home and abroad and other content of the common development courses, according to business needs, to the corporate propaganda and related domestic and related policies and regulations and the latest requirements to provide enterprise quality and safety of internal auditors training Technical support services.

The significance of implementing the "three with" project

"Homologous with the same line" is essentially a quality revolution on the supply side, it can bring the following effects:

First, from the consumer's point of view, is conducive to improving the quality of life of our consumers to meet the domestic high-end needs. Consumers do not go abroad, you can buy with the international market the same quality, reasonably priced products. Second, from the perspective of enterprises, domestic enterprises are conducive to the use of domestic and foreign resources, co-ordination of domestic and foreign markets, to achieve "increase varieties, to mention quality, a brand" to enhance the ability to resist market risks. In the past, enterprises according to different standards of production at home and abroad two different markets of products, in fact, increase the cost of business and business difficulties, once the international market changes, export products will be in trouble. Third, from the national point of view, can lead to domestic related industries to speed up the upgrading of quality, guide consumption back, optimize the supply and demand structure. "With the same line homogeneous" can also promote the deep integration of domestic and international markets, to promote a higher level of all-round open. Therefore, "the same line with the same quality" is to strengthen the supply side of the reform, improve the level of supply of quality, boost consumer confidence in the important measures, is the benefit of the profits and interests of enterprises.

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