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"Thirteen five" period, the food industry will enter a new normal


March 17, 2016, "the People's Republic of China national economic and social development of the thirteenth five-year plan" (hereinafter referred to as "thirteen five" plan) released. "Thirteen five" plan to food safety issues referred to the national strategic height, put forward the implementation of food safety strategy to promote healthy China construction.

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the food industry will enter a new pattern, the new normal, that is, from high-speed growth to high-speed growth. It is estimated that by 2020, the main income will reach 16 trillion yuan.

Accelerate the independent innovation, ensure the improvement of people's livelihood, state-owned enterprise reform, speed up industrial restructuring and regional coordinated development of these five areas of key breakthroughs will lead to a huge change in the food industry.

The driving force of the industry is innovation and development. Combined with and conform to the national economic situation, to seize the "one way along the way", Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development of strategic opportunities to develop space. Second, information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, new technology, new materials into new formats, new products. "Industrial 4.0" and "Internet +" globalization of historical opportunities, will help the food industry to form a new business model.

State-owned enterprise reform is the "thirteen five" plan the main event, the food industry is no exception. Industry boom, the relatively moderate competition and strong corporate brand, operating performance is relatively poor state-owned enterprises, may have a greater improvement in space.

For the food industry, small and scattered the status quo, industrial restructuring - merger and reorganization, integration will be "thirteen five" key emphasis during the content, the policy is expected to tilt, the direction is to promote mergers and acquisitions within the industry, small industry concentration , Tend to support the backbone of leading enterprises to do stronger, enterprises in the big, small businesses do fine Among them, the food and beverage enterprises, the more emphasis is on business model innovation; liquor and beer the vast majority of state-owned background, state-owned enterprise reform will enable the company to release the vitality; in the more saturated low-end drinks market and dairy products , Industry mergers and acquisitions gradually speed up, these areas of the leading enterprises have occupied a larger market share, the future depends on the extension of the probability of expansion.

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