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The 6th Asian Food Equipment Forum was held in Hangzhou


China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association Chu Yufeng presided over the opening ceremony of the forum

November 28, China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association, the sixth session of the Third Council and the sixth Asian food equipment forum held in Hangzhou victory. Forum to "dream of China - cross-border, integration, innovation" as the main purpose, from the interpretation of the national manufacturing industry development strategy to explore the development direction of food equipment industry, co-ordinate China's food industry and equipment industry to explore the development path, promote information technology and food equipment The integration of the future for the food and beverage industry to create three aspects of the content of the exchange.

The opening ceremony of the forum was chaired by Chu Yufeng, chairman of China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association. Wang Bo, director of the China Agricultural Machinery Institute, Shao Wei, secretary general of the Chinese Food Science and Technology Society, and Liu Wen, director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, attended the opening ceremony. Nearly 500 Chinese and foreign enterprises attended the forum.

This year as the thirteen five plan of the beginning of the year, China's food and beverage industry in the next five years or even more long-term development far-reaching. With the development of China's manufacturing 2025 strategy, China's food and beverage industry to enter the new normal, intelligent manufacturing, industrial Internet, industrial 4.0, robots, large data and other future-oriented general technology and models began to profoundly affect the food industry's production process, Process and technical equipment. In this context, this annual meeting and the Asian Food Equipment Forum will undoubtedly set the tone for the future development of China's food industry and food equipment.

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