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China 's food safety supervision faces the challenge of "new normal"


May 10, 2016, July 20 and October 27, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the first, second and third quarter of food safety supervision and inspection of the situation of the notice. Sampling the main problems found in the first quarter: food over the range of ultra-limited use of food additives accounted for 33.8% of the total number of unqualified food, microbial contamination in food accounted for 22.9% of the total number of unqualified; second quarter: Limited use of food additives accounted for 33.6% of the total number of unqualified food, microbial contamination in food accounted for 25.5% of the total number of unqualified; third quarter: food microbial contamination problems accounted for 35.6% of the total number of non-qualified food, The food additive problem accounted for 30.1% of the total number of nonconformities.

Food safety is related to the health and safety of the people, is a major livelihood issues, the Chinese government attaches great importance. "Twelve Five" period, through the reform of food safety supervision system, promote social co-governance, strengthen risk assessment and other technical support, strengthen supervision and sampling, crack down on food safety violations and other initiatives, China's food safety situation continues to improve, the people The satisfaction of the continuous improvement. But the threat to the people's food safety risk factors have not yet eliminated, especially in China's residents suffering from food-borne diseases, microbial hazards are still rampant, according to 2011 ~ 2015 foodborne disease report data show that China's average annual nearly 1/4 of the cause Clear foodborne disease events and more than 4 percent of cases are caused by microbial contamination.

The above argument was supported by the Food and Drug Administration's three quarterly food safety supervision and inspection results in 2016. First, the overall food safety situation is improving at the same time, food microbial pollution situation remains unchanged, even in the deteriorating, such as the first three quarters of 2016 food sampling rate remained at 97% or more, but the proportion of food microbial contamination From the first quarter of 22.9%, jumped to 35.6% in the third quarter, excluding the factors that lead to microbial reproduction, but also from the side reflects the regulatory authorities, the media and the public attention to food microbial pollution is not enough, the regulatory effect is not obvious problem. Second, the food microbial contamination of many links, high regulatory costs, the difficulty is extremely urgent need for stronger technical support, only from the first quarter of food microbial contamination factors can be seen, food microbial pollution sources across the food Production, processing, storage, transportation, retail and home and other food industry chain, covering a wide range of food producers, processors, logistics, retail owners and consumers and other stakeholders, the technical need to consider environmental factors Such as temperature), food factors (such as food processing methods), microbial factors (such as virulence), and consumer behavioral factors (such as health habits) and so on. Therefore, food microbial contamination has become China's food safety issues "new normal", and our supervision and management put forward greater challenges.

First of all, the whole society should raise the awareness of the seriousness of the pollution of food microbes, and the food-borne diseases caused by the abandonment of microorganisms are "diarrhea" and "the problem of consumers themselves". In view of the problem of food safety supervision and sampling, "Not a food safety problem," the wrong concept, the regulatory authorities from the practical reduction of food-borne diseases, people's food safety to protect the most urgent need to solve the problem, to understand the current food safety "new normal", leading the "new normal ", The food microbial pollution regulation into an important position, through policy leverage, to encourage food companies to take a variety of measures to reduce food microbial contamination, follow the US" peanut butter Salmonella "event, knowing that there is microbial contamination of food, may endanger the health of the population, But not as, and even conceal and deceive the behavior of the use of legal weapons to crack down!

Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the technical and talent construction of food microbiological pollution supervision, cultivate supervisors with background of food microbes, develop rapid detection technology, and use risk classification method to filter the food categories which have the greatest impact on the health of our residents on the basis of large data analysis. Microbiological monitoring, and through the quantitative microbiological risk assessment methods, identify key pollution links, parameters and standards, the establishment of risk assessment based on food production, processing, storage, transportation and retail good norms.

Third, in the whole society to promote scientific, civilized and healthy food culture, ideas and behavior, education consumers have reason to have the obligation and the way to say "no" to food microbial pollution, especially to improve the pollution within the kitchen Of the understanding, starting from the kitchen, so that the right to buy ingredients, low temperature storage, case board and kitchen utensils separate, proper hand washing and cleaning kitchen utensils.

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