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Candy industry clean disinfection contract signed and the development of modern candy industry


Candy products are a kind of snack food for the whole people, but also an energy supplement food, in a large number of national consumption in an important position, especially in the Chinese people's festivals and festive consumption is essential. Therefore, although the industry's output value is not particularly large, but because the industry is gradually from the traditional industries to modern biological engineering, functional food, nutritious food and other fields to broaden its strategic position more and more important. Candy as one of the two traditional Chinese pillar snack industry, after a hundred years of development, the industry has a large scale, and has become China's food industry in the rapid development of the industry. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and people's scientific understanding of candy, as well as new features, new tastes, complex and other new candy products, candy market demand is further expanded. China's confectionery production enterprises about 5,000, half of the enterprises have passed the QS certification, most of the other enterprises in the transformation or shutdown state, affected by the implementation of the market access system, the total number of candy chocolate production enterprises have been reduced, the industry more concentrated production The More than 2,000 enterprises in more than 90% of private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises accounted for about 8% to 9%, state-owned enterprises accounted for only about 1% to 2%. Candy, chocolate production enterprises are mainly distributed in Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Hunan, Hubei, Henan and so on.

Throughout the candy industry, the overall market demand is in a slow upward trend, but in recent years, market growth statistics show that the growth rate was a downward trend in 2008 annual growth rate of 10-12%, while the 2007 growth rate Then in 13-15% or so, 08 years lower than the 2007 low of 3-5 points. The candy brand to rely on its category advantage of the segment and occupy the market, there is still no possession of a comprehensive advantage of the leading brand, only in the field of candy market segments of the leading position. (Due to the "melamine incident" impact, 08 years of performance has declined, but after entering in 2009, the market has gradually picked up.);To the hard candy as the representative of the Alps; functional candy as the representative of the elegant passenger V9; gum base as the representative of the green arrow ... .... It is the candy industry this category continue to segment and extend the competitive trend, making the current candy industry has been the traditional hard candy, candy, candy, crisp sugar category segment, and gradually transformed into a more sub-functional Candy (rich in vitamins, etc.), gum and other emerging casual candy category.

In the category of continuous breakdown of the trend, the candy industry presents the following characteristics. First, the candy industry brand competition has increased year by year, candy business brand investment increased year by year; Secondly, in the sub-category of the leading brand by the followers of the constant challenge. Faced with the changes in consumer demand for candy market and the diversification of leisure food development, will inevitably lead to the decline in the traditional market share of traditional candy, candy as the main business of traditional candy enterprises to find new products or categories to support a new round of competition, Leading to the market will be more refined. Emerging candy brand with its category of functional demands and product focus strategy to continue to achieve the breakdown of the market category and the rise of exclusive, set off the next stage of functional candy, chocolate, gum candy, candy and other new varieties of candy market climax. Traditional candy market brand concentration is relatively high, emerging candy brand with the market segmentation, product and category of the advantages of segmentation, brand structure is temporarily in a dynamic change.

From 2000 to 2007 candy has become China's food industry in the rapid development of the sunrise industry for six consecutive years to maintain higher than the food industry growth. But in 2008 due to the impact of melamine incident in 2008 China's candy industry growth rate in 2000 after the first time lower than the average annual growth rate of China's food industry. With the further spread of the financial crisis, the reduction of domestic consumption rally, the high degree of homogenization of products, the rising cost of marketing and other factors under the influence of candy business competition will be further intense. In this extremely unfavorable macro environment, our candy business how to deal with this sweeping the global economic crisis to the business management of the unprecedented challenges, how to find opportunities in the crisis, how to upgrade the category, how to integrate channels, How to innovate the product, how to establish the brand, how to understand the consumer and so on, are placed in the face of the various candy business owners serious problem. The next five years, the development trend of the candy industry has the following characteristics: China's candy industry from the beginning of 2008 in the industrial structure adjustment stage, the main aspects of industrial restructuring is the market segmentation and classification of refined breakdown, is expected in 2010 will The initial completion of the adjustment of industrial structure. Without saccharification, functional, high-end, segmentation will be the next five years the industry's macro development trend of candy. Foreign candy brands continue to accelerate the entry and layout of the Chinese market. In the financial crisis, capital market investment will also make more investment in foreign capital investment in candy industry. In the strong industry under the premise of the acquisition and mergers and acquisitions through the way to extend the category.

At present in the candy industry well-known brands are green arrows, Alps, Xu Fuji and other companies.

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