
Contact Us

  • Guangzhou Light Industry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

  • Tel:86 20-3436 7336

  • Sale:86 20-3436 7336 turn 801 or 13925122993

  • Fax:86 20-3436 7283

  • 400 free service hotline:400 1683 993

  • Factory address: Foshan in the South industrial zone two Road No. 3

  • Headquarters address: Haizhuqu District Industrial Avenue, South Garden, fifty-five, No. three, Guangzhou


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Congratulations to Guangzhou Light Machine to become Germany Hugao Group's industry partners


Guangzhou Light Machine and Germany Hagao Group reached a strategic partnership, aimed at the food processing industry to provide a more comprehensive integrated solutions.

Guangzhou light machine originated in 1958

2010, the original Guangguang technical team set up Guangzhou light machine, the new company with machinery and equipment in the field of more than 30 years of design and manufacturing experience, is now independent control of cleaning and disinfection products sales, research and development design, manufacture, installation and so the whole process.

Ha Gao is one of the earliest international brands to enter the Chinese market, with its high-end quality, quality service reputation inside and outside the industry. "Constant pursuit of the latest technology to create a cleaner, more comfortable environment" is the promise of high. Kazakhstan high Shanghai uphold Germany high professional high-quality five-star service concept, equipped with high-quality sales and technical service personnel for the Chinese market to provide adequate import machine and spare parts storage; professional training staff, facilities and venues; As well as perfect after-sales customer service. Hako, Minuteman, PowerBoss, Multicar, Hilco Chemie, Multiclean, Rotobic ... Clean equipment products are involved in various fields: municipal, sanitation, environmental protection and other products. , Industrial, retail supermarkets, commercial and other full range of products; suitable for a variety of ground cleaning and maintenance, such as: a variety of coated ground, tile floor, concrete, asphalt, stone, wood, carpet and so on. Covering a variety of functions such as: dust cleaning, cleaning stains and a variety of oil, snow, grass and other multi-functional.

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