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Pure natural: the trend of the trend


Despite the current global economic uncertainty, slow growth in emerging markets, and consumer spending is very cautious, but the beverage industry in 2013 is still expected to achieve growth. The Dutch Cooperative Bank recently released the "Global Beverage Industry Outlook for Growth in 2013" report that the global soft drink industry will continue to span "two different worlds": mature developed markets whose growth has stagnated; while developing markets, Although the growth rate has slowed down, but still showing the best side. In particular, bottled water will continue to rank first, and it is estimated that the growth rate for the year was 5.4%. While juice and Asian special beverages will be the fastest growing soft drinks in the market segment. It is estimated that in 2013 the growth rate will be 9% and 14% respectively.

In recent years, the development of China's beverage industry, food safety situation in the food industry level, but the development stage of the industry has been changing, rapid growth has become the past. According to the National Bureau of Statistics data, the total output of the beverage industry in 2012 was 130.2401 million tons, up 10.73% over the same period last year. Of which fruit and vegetable juice production 22.2197 million tons, up 16.09% over the same period last year; carbonated beverage production 13,112,900 tons, up 18.88% over the same period last year; packaging drinking water production 55.6278 million tons, up 16.16% over the same period last year; Other beverage production 3920.77 million tons, up 13.76% over the same period last year.

At the same time, industry concentration to further improve. China's industry and enterprise information publishing center made by the consumer goods market annual survey report shows that in 2012, the national top ten canned beverage market sales for the Canadian treasure, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, etc., the top ten market share of 67.16% The Which Canada and more treasure herbal tea accounted for 2012 annual national canned beverage market sales first. The report pointed out that China's consumer goods market in 2012 showed a steady growth pattern, the brand concentration to further improve.


Fruit juice industry characteristics

Per capita consumption of fruit juice is low, the future growth potential is huge. From the consumer habits point of view, the Chinese consumer consumption of fruits and vegetables is still to eat fresh fruit, fruit juice consumption is low. According to the "China Juice Consumption Report" data, China's per capita annual consumption of only 1 kg, is the world average of 13%, 4% of the average level of developed countries, with the United States, Germany and other countries compared to the gap is obvious. With the gradual improvement of the living standard of urban and rural residents, the change of health concept, the gradual improvement of the degree of acceptance of fruit juice and fruit juice, fruit juice and fruit juice drinks in China has a huge space for development, according to Euromonitor data, 2011 and 2012 China juice consumption The growth rate reached double digits.

Juice and juice drinks accounted for a significant increase in the overall beverage market. Over the past decade, China's beverage industry has maintained a rapid growth momentum. According to the China Beverage Industry Association issued the "China's beverage industry," second five "development plan recommendations" forecast results, the next five years, China's total beverage production will maintain 12% -15% average annual growth rate. Industry experts generally also optimistic about the total sales of Chinese beverages, that the next 2-3 years, China will exceed the United States as the world's largest beverage consumer and producer.

In the beverage consumption continues to increase at the same time, beverage varieties are also constantly rich, the structure of continuous optimization. From 2000 and 2012 statistics, the proportion of carbonated beverage consumption showed a downward trend, while the proportion of other beverage varieties has been rising, especially the proportion of fruit juice and fruit juice drinks from 6.5% to 22% The In addition, there are statistics show that the current US supermarket drinks sold more than 2/3 for the juice drink, and 100% pure fruit juice is particularly welcome. With reference to the above criteria, the Chinese beverage market continues to maintain rapid growth in the environment, fruit juice and fruit juice beverage industry development prospects.

By the national policy support, apple, orange cultivation and early processing of rapid development. China is the world's apple cultivation, apple juice concentrate production and export of the largest country, the apple acreage and apple juice concentrate production accounted for about 42% and 50% of the world. At present, apple production mainly concentrated in the Bohai Bay (Lu, Ji, Liao, Beijing, Tianjin), the Northwest Loess Plateau (Shaanxi, Gansu, Jin, Ning, Green), the old course of the Yellow River (Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui) Highland and other four major producing areas. Apple juice industry is developing rapidly, concentrated apple juice is the most important apple processing products, accounting for more than 95% of the total processing of apple, the main export provinces and cities concentrated in Shandong, Liaoning, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other places. According to the US Department of Agriculture statistics, China is the largest producer, accounting for 25.3% of the world's total output. At present, China's orange cultivation area is mainly concentrated in the top 10 provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Hubei, Zhejiang and Chongqing, providing about 95% of the output, of which Fujian and Zhejiang Province annual output of more than 2 million tons The

The next few years, low concentrations of juice will continue to dominate the market. As the low concentration of fruit juice production costs lower prices higher fruit is low, making the market base larger, lucrative, a large number of manufacturers into the market. Coupled with advertising and other strong propaganda, making the Chinese consumer demand for fruit juice is also limited to low concentrations of fruit juice. So the market share of fruit juice 80% of the fruit juice content of 5% -10% of the low concentration of juice to occupy. Euromonitor data show that in 2011 the juice and vegetable juice market in the market share of the largest brand is the source of the United States, Master Kong and Huiyuan, the market share of 13%, 7.3% and 7%. Among them, the source of the United States and Master Kong to dilute the juice as the main product, and Huiyuan advantage lies in high concentrations of fruit juice.

Medium and low concentration of juice market

Domestic juice consumption of the end, especially in the low concentration of fruit juice is a substantial increase in demand. According to Nielsen, fruit and vegetable juice sales in China in 2012 increased by 9.8% compared to 2011. In the case of Master Kong, for example, the sales volume of the fruit category in the Master's category was $ 684 million in 2011 and $ 1.171 billion in 2012, an increase of 71.20%, the fastest growing category in the Master's beverage business The Its share of sales in the beverage business also increased from 17% in 2011 to 24%, second only to the proportion of 38% of the tea.

Unified 2012 earnings also show that last year the company operating income to 21.4 billion yuan, an increase of 26.4%, net profit of 856 million yuan, a substantial increase of 174.4% year on year. Unified net profit has been able to double, thanks to the contribution of the beverage business. Beverage business segment profit from the 229 million yuan in 2011 rose to 2012 764 million yuan, up 233.62% year on year, of which Chinese fruit juice drinks a lot of contribution. 2012 unified fruit juice business revenue of 3.996 billion yuan, an increase of 24.2%, of which Chinese-style health drinks rock sugar Sydney growth rate of more than 300%. From the last year's market investment level, the most intense competition in the category of fruit juice, both sides are competing for Chinese-style health drinks market, the introduction of the same concept of product rock sugar Sydney tea, unified rival Master Kong has now hastily launched rock sugar hawthorn taste, honey grapefruit tastes, continue Capture the market, it is clear that this category has become a new base for competition between the two.

According to the data released by AC Nielsen, Coca-Cola, Wahaha's juice drinks (with a concentration of 5% to 39% of the diluted juice drinks) also have varying degrees of growth. On the juice industry, the low concentration of fruit juice more and more favored by the market, the market size of up to 92 billion yuan, accounting for 80% of the overall juice consumption.

High concentration of juice market

In the hundred percent of the juice and the concentration of fruit and vegetable juice in the market share, Huiyuan is still ranked first. In the high concentration of juice market tends to saturation and rising costs of raw materials under the double pressure, fruit juice companies are facing enormous pressure. According to the 2012 annual report released by Huiyuan Juice, the Company's total revenue for the reporting period was RMB3,981 million, an increase of 4.1% over the same period of last year. However, the net profit attributable to listed companies was RMB16.16 million, representing a significant decrease of 94.8% from RMB310 million in 2011 %. At the same time, the proportion of corporate debt increased to 71.2%, an increase of 10.2%. Huiyuan products in the market share, concentrated fruit juice is still dominant, more than 100% juice in the concentration of fruit and vegetable juice, the company's largest source of income. However, Huiyuan juice drinks revenue from last year's 1.041 billion yuan fell to 851 million yuan, down nearly two percent. The concentration of fruit juice income also declined from last year. Annual report said, "2012, especially in the first half, the difficult overall market conditions on the concentration of fruit and vegetable juice sales have a negative impact, sales fell 22.0% over last year."

For the serious decline in net profit, analysts believe that the enterprise's own reasons. Affected by the decline in raw material prices, the entire beverage industry in 2012 profit margins have improved, Huiyuan juice decline in net profit does not meet the development trend of the beverage. "The increase in sales costs or lead to Huiyuan Juice net profit decline in the main reason, since the Coca-Cola acquisition failed, Huiyuan juice channel and brand influence have declined, 2012 Huiyuan Juice huge bid CCTV" Avenue of Stars "advertising rights Has a greater impact on its profits. "

The face of high concentrations of fruit juice more and more do not make money plight, the industry's high concentration of fruit juice enterprises are actively adjusted. Industry data show that by the main consumer demand in Europe and the United States to slow down the impact of 2012, China's total export of concentrated apple juice is only 587,700 tons, compared with 30.85 million tons in 2011 decreased by 3.4%. Andrei Juice released 2012 annual report shows that in 2012 realized operating income of 1.226 billion yuan, compared with 2011 1.13 billion yuan fell 7%; gross margin was 21%, compared with 24% in 2011 fell by 3 percentage point. Affected by the international environment, in 2012 China's concentrated juice industry exports fell, thus affecting the Andrea juice export performance. In the face of this situation, Andrei juice said this year will be on the one hand the development of pears, peaches, strawberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, pomegranates and other categories of concentrated pulp, juice, reduce the excessive dependence on apple juice production risks. Announcement shows that the current apple juice business accounted for Andy all product category sales of 86%; on the other hand will expand the market, and actively seek to expand overseas markets, but also to further expand the domestic market.

future development

In recent years, the beverage industry is developing faster than beer, dairy products and other similar industries, quality and food safety status in the food industry level, but the development stage of the industry has been changing, rapid growth has become the past. In the context of the global economic downturn in 2012, the growth rate of beverage production gradually declines by the national GDP down, the consumption of rainy season is low, the lack of personalized products and other comprehensive factors, the growth rate of beverage production gradually decreased by more than 20% Fell to about 10% close to single-digit growth, suddenly ended the rapid growth. In the face of this situation, "China's beverage industry to inject new kinetic energy, while achieving rapid growth from the output to the growth of sales growth, formula innovation to research and development innovation." China Beverage Industry Association Zhao Yali, director of the recent Pointed out. She predicts that in 2013, if the national economy is working properly, the total output of the beverage will be at least 10% to 12%.

She also stressed that the development of the industry in 2013 need to inject "positive energy". In the face of China's 2015 will be the world's largest beverage market forecast, the face of China's per capita beverage consumption is far below the market potential of Europe and the United States and Japan, the beverage industry to maintain orderly, degree, sustainable development concept, Anxious, to accept the pace of development has been more than 20% adjusted to 10% from top to bottom and will stabilize the reality. "The development of the industry to achieve two changes, rapid growth of production to the growth of sales growth, formula innovation to research and development innovation.

It should be noted that rising commodity costs will affect all the beverage market segments and may force beverage companies to raise prices when consumers are already under economic pressure. Faced with the ever-compressed profit margins, those who have a strategic vision and are committed to the use of strategic procurement of beverage companies, will be in 2013 and the future has a competitive advantage.

In terms of the juice industry, from the perspective of the development of international fruit juice drinks, with the improvement of the living standard of consumers, the change of consumption concept, pure natural and high fruit juice drinks will become the inevitable development direction. Statistics show that 100% pure fruit juice in the US market is particularly welcome, while China's current high concentration of fruit juice beverage market coverage of only about 20%. We believe that although the current high concentration of juice market share in a downward trend, but the absolute amount is still rising, the future there is a big room for development.

In addition, high concentrations of fruit juice with high gross profit margins, profit margins and other characteristics. Once the market opens, the total profit growth will increase significantly. At present, in addition to Huiyuan such traditional pure fruit juice production enterprises, the industry many large enterprises have increased the input of pure fruit juice. This includes PepsiCo's "100% Fruit" and Dole; Coca-Cola offers fruit juice drinks with more than 10 nutritious elements "10% V"; Farmer Orchard offers 30% to 100% juice and COFCO Its listed company in the grain River River launched by the "Tuen River" 100% tomato juice, apricot juice and pomegranate juice and so on.

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